# What Is Aadhar Micro ATM & What's the Benefit


Hello dear friends there is a exciting news for all of you, now you are able to transfer your money with the help of your aadhar card indian government has recently started this scheme with the help of this scheme you can transfer your money to anyone even if you are cashless and you can also withdraw your money with the help of Aadhaar Micro ATM . In few days your adhaar card will take the place of your debit card, you can now Transfer or withdraw money from bank by showing your adhaar card no. Or by showing your thumbs print,this will help a lot to those people who doesn't have their own debit or credit card.
Government has started this scheme after thinking a lot on this matter,this is very nice way for those people who doesn't have any source for cashless money transfer,there are many people's in this country who don't have their own debit card and credit card, because of this they face many problem in transfer or payment of their money, by seeing this problem among the people modi ji's government has started this scheme of transferring money with the help of adhaar card

What Is Aadhar Micro ATM System?

This ATM look similar to swipe machine and also work like swipe machine but for log in of your bank account in this you need your adhaar card no. And the sign of your thumb. For the transfer or withdrawal of your money firstly you have to type your adhaar card no. And after that you have to put your thumbs sign for the log in of your bank account, this machine is available everywhere but for its use it is important that your aadhaar should be linked with your bank account.

Ways of transferring and withdrawing money with the help of adhar card

If you have not linked your aadhar card with your bank account then please do it, because the profit of this facility can be taken by only those people who have linked their adhaar card with their bank account . For taking the advantage of this money transfer service please linked your aadhar card with your bank account as fast as you can.
  • First put your adhaar no. In micro ATM
  • Then put your thumb on biometric
  • After the scanning of your thumb your entry will be registered in your bank account
  • Now you are capable of transferring money to anyone and you will also be able to withdraw your money.

What Are The Advantages Of Aadhar Micro ATM

There are many benefits of this scheme this will help a lot to those people who don't have their own debit card, it is convenient for the people for withdrawing money as well for doing any kind of payment it will help in reducing corruption and cashless economy will give many benefits to our country.
  • It is easy to make authorized entry in bank account
  • It is very easy to check your account balance
  • It is easy to transfer money 
  • It is easy to withdraw money
  • It is easy to make payment to anyone
It's benefits will mainly help the people of the villages, after using this scheme there is no need for them to stand for hours in bank for the withdrawal and fund transfer they can also do online payment and money transfer with the help of this scheme. The places which are mainly affected by note ban will able to reduce the problem of money with the help of this scheme but the government has to take steps with the help of which this scheme will reach to more and more people.

It Is Easy For The People To Withdraw Cash From Aadhar Micro ATM

After this scheme people's ATM will be there adhaar card, this will help in the easy withdrawal of the cash from the bank and will help a lot to village people's where cash is not easily available,there are places where there are no ATM'S the people of that place can also take advantage of this scheme but it is possible only when the government will be able to give the whole and true information to the people.

Dear friends I am hope that after reading this article you have got the full information about adhaar micro ATM ,and you have understand the process of transferring and withdrawing money from Aadhaar Micro ATM . If you want to ask any questions about this post or you want to give your advice to us then you can comment below and if you like our post then it is our humble request please share it on social media.

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1 comment:

Round Pay said...

Thanks for sharing such a nice blog. This is very helpful for me and others. Also, visit my website for more information. We have the best aadhaar micro atm .

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