UIDAI Warning : Printing Of Aadhar In Plastic Cards


New Delhi: The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) on the basis of ID cards for printing plastic cards to those traders cautioned against Rs 200. UIDAI official said his paper to use "print" is perfectly legitimate to use.
Based on e-bay, who manages the authority, such as Flipkart and Amazon e-commerce companies have warned about it. Authorities have said they work through their platform to give a boost to traders. Authorities said that if someone is involved, it shall be subject to criminal prosecution, and her prison sentence.

Paper based cards enough
UIDAI Director General and Mission Director Ajay Bhushan Pandey said in a statement, 'Aadhaar downloaded or printed on ordinary paper-based card is valid for all tasks perfectly. If a person is paper based cards, or money by giving it to your base card Laminations plastic base card or by so-called smart cards do not have to. "

It has been found that the UIDAI some units engaged in immoral acts in the name of smart card on the basis for the printing of plastic cards are worth 50 to 200, while there is no need because it has been downloaded, based entirely on ordinary paper is valid.

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