Major Violations That Generates eChallan


eChallan is an electronic format of challan that can be used by the traffic police at the time of violation of traffic rules and this challan can be performed there payment activity online as well as offline, this challan is taken by the traffic police and all the data can collected by the traffic police and this data can be updated on eChallan websites.

echallan, hydrabad e challan, telangana challan

Major Violations That Generates eChallan

  • At No Parking Area- Traffic police may lead to continue generating echallan while violation of rules by any people that can be charged an amount of money as according to there violations
  • Over speed- This is also an major violation that lead to generating echallan over-speed of bike and any vehicle does not allow in some areas by violating these rules peoples can charged by an amount of money.
  • Stop line at traffic signal- Always control vehicle as according to the traffic signal otherwise that also violate the traffic rules.
  • Wrong U turn- At the time of travelling it is most important to know the right side of your vehicle, if vehicle in wrong side that may lead to generate echallan because that also violate the rules.
  • Wrong side driving- Driving to the right way is more important because in wrong side may create various traffic in road and they also increase the accidents activities so it must to drive your vehicle in proper side.
  • Incorrect plate number- If a vehicle have incorrect plate number or wrong plate number that may lead to highest challan fees and also lead various governmental activity.
  • Inappropriate number plate design- The number of vehicle must easily to read, improper design of number plate not allowed. so that can also generates challan if you have that types of number plates of your vehicle.

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